For our annual event, the true spirit of competition isn't solely about the prizes, but rather about the camaraderie, teamwork, and, of course, raising money for a great cause. However, it's always a special feeling to be rewarded for your hard work. In the past, participants of the River Cities Dragon Boat Festival have had the opportunity to win overall prizes, specialty awards (best dressed, best t-shirt design, etc.) as well as division awards (community, corporate, wellness, etc.) While these prizes are a token of achievement, the real treasure lies in the friendships made, the unforgettable experiences, and the shared passion for dragon boat racing. Join us this year and let's create more cherished memories together!
This cup will be awarded to the winner of the fundraiser cup race. This race will happen at noon on race day and will include only the top three fundraising teams. Because this event is all about raising money for the Children’s Protection Center, this is the most sought-after prize that the festival!
After a series of heats, the fastest boats will be lined up on the lake in the afternoon. These fastest teams will paddle to see who is the fastest of the fast! This is one of the most exciting races of the day, and one of the most prestigious prizes!
Teams will be organized by industry such as community service, hospitality, and finance. This allows banks to compete against banks, hotels against hotels. The fastest boat in each industry—regardless of that boat’s standing in the overall competition—will be awarded a prize. If you have a friendly rivalry with another organization in your industry, fight it out on the water!
In this competition, the craziest costume often takes home the prize. Be fun and be creative!
Don’t forget the rest of your team when picking out outfits. We give out an award for the best t-shirts! Come up with something unique to set yourself apart.
This is a fun event—a fact reflected in the decorations that the teams bring. Decorating your team’s tent is a great way to bring your team’s personality and spirit to the event, add to the festive air of the event, and create a fun place for your team and others to hang out between races. Judges will review the field of tents and award a prize to the best decorated tent. Your imagination is the limit!
Just like there can only be one fastest team, there can also only be one slowest team. Pulling together a team—whether fast or slow—is no easy task. Each year we award the Golden Anchor to the slowest race time as our way of acknowledging the effort, good humor, and ultimate racing failure of the worst team in the field. Carry the Golden Anchor with pride, and hope for better times next year!